Health, humerus, ORIF, recovery, shoulder, surgery

No pain = gain??

231 days post-surgery, 55 days post-MUA…

A funny thing happened in PT this morning. Normally we spend about 30 minutes with hard stretching. My therapist pushes my arm as high as I can tolerate, for as long as I can tolerate, which is usually only 10-20 seconds tops. My therapist is good at reading my facial expressions and body language to tell how much pain I’m in. She pushes me hard, but knows when to back off.

This session started as all others do. Pushing my arm to the end of its range was excruciatingly painful the first 5-6 times. But after that, it stopped hurting.

Well, not totally pain-free. But it was tolerable. I could have gone another 30 minutes with no problem. I don’t know if it was a personal best in terms of range of motion, but it was definitely in the ballpark.

I’m actually looking forward to my next PT session to see if this trend continues.

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